Introduction to the CAN BUS: Basics of Automotive Security

Ethical Empire

Finding CAN Connections:

CAN Pins cable view on the OBD-II connector

CAN BUS Packet Layout

  1. Arbitration ID: It is 11-bit in size. It determines the priority of the message when two or more nodes are contending for the bus. If two CAN packets are sent along the bus at the same time, the one with the lower arbitration ID wins.
  2. Identifier extension (IDE): This bit is always 0 for standard CAN.
  3. Data Length Code (DLC): It contains zero to eight bytes of data.
  4. Data– This is the actual data. Standard CANs can carry data of up to 8 bytes in size, however, some systems impose 8 bytes by padding out the packet.
Format of Standard CAN packets.

External Packets:


  1. The Car Hacker’s Handbook, by Craig Smith
  3. Image Credits: The Car Hacker’s Handbook, Craig Smith