Top 5 Scripts for privilege escalation in Kali Linux

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On a Kali Linux system, some of the more well-known scripts that are frequently used for privilege escalation are as follows:


1. LinEnum:


LinEnum is a script that performs a comprehensive privilege escalation scan on Linux systems. It gathers information about the system’s configuration, running processes, and potential vulnerabilities.


Download the script from the GitHub repository ( ) and execute it on the target system.


2. Linux Exploit Suggester:


Linux Exploit Suggester is a Perl script that analyzes the kernel version and suggests potential exploits that may be applicable to the system.


Download the script from the GitHub repository ( ) and run it on the target system.


3. Linux Privilege Escalation Checker:


The Linux Privilege Escalation Checker (LPE) is a Python script that automates the process of checking for common privilege escalation vulnerabilities and misconfigurations on Linux systems.


Download the script from the GitHub repository ( ) and execute it on the target system.


4. Linux Smart Enumeration (lse):


Linux Smart Enumeration is a shell script that gathers information about the system, running services, and configurations, aiming to identify potential privilege escalation vectors.

Download the script from the GitHub repository ( ) and run it on the target system.

5. Unix Privilege Escalation Exploits Suggester:


Unix Privilege Escalation Exploits Suggester is a Python script that analyzes the system’s information and suggests possible privilege escalation exploits.

Download the script from the GitHub repository ( ) and execute it on the target system.


Remember that you should only use these scripts on systems for which you have the necessary authorization to test them.  


Note – Before attempting any privilege escalation activities, it is essential to follow ethical hacking best practices and obtain the required authorizations.